SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
177 lines
#1 211 "[1][No special functions|for this frame type.][ OK ]"
#2 011 "[1][Folder already|exists!][ CANCEL ]"
#3 121 "[2][ |Delete this file?][ YES | NO ]"
#4 121 "[2][File already exists!|Replace?][ YES | NO ]"
#5 011 "[1][File does not exist|(at least not in|this folder).][ CANCEL ]"
#6 011 "[1][Write error!][ CANCEL ]"
#7 111 "[2][Quit Calamus?][ YES | NO ]"
#8 011 "[1][Please select ONE|text frame.][ OK ]"
#9 011 "[1][Please select ONE|bitimage frame.][ OK ]"
#10 011 "[1][Please select ONE|chart frame.][ OK ]"
#11 121 "[2][Delete ALL|auxiliary lines?][ YES | NO ]"
#12 011 "[1][Load Error!][ CANCEL ]"
#13 211 "[1][Font already in|memory!][ PROCEED | CANCEL ]"
#14 011 "[1][Please select ONE|vector graphic frame.][ OK ]"
#15 211 "[1][There is no selected|vector graphic frame!|You are still in the|frame section.][ OK ]"
#16 311 "[1][By choosing a vector |graphic frame the vector |graphic section was activated.][ OK ]"
#17 011 "[1][Please select ONE frame.][ OK ]"
#18 011 "[1][Font already in|memory!][ CANCEL ]"
#19 011 "[1][Disk is write-protected.][ CANCEL ]"
#20 211 "[1][There is no second|monitor !][ OK ]"
#21 000 "[1][Information for this frame|is used more than once.|Which frame is to be changed?][ONE|ALL|CANCEL]"
#22 011 "[1][Not enough memory left|for this operation!][ CANCEL ]"
#23 011 "[1][Illegal font version!][ CANCEL ]"
#24 011 "[1][Disk full!][ CANCEL ]"
#25 132 "[3][What about the|document in memory?][SAVE|ABANDON|CANCEL]"
#26 011 "[1][Internal error!|Document structure is corrupt!][ CANCEL ]"
#27 011 "[1][This file is not a|Calamus document.][ CANCEL ]"
#28 011 "[1][This document was created|by a later CALAMUS version.][ CANCEL ]"
#29 021 "[1][IMPORTANT!|Switch on monitor first!][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#30 011 "[2][Real or Virtual copy?][ REAL | VIRTUAL ]"
#31 111 "[1][No text block selected.|Modify complete frame?][ YES | NO ]"
#32 211 "[1][No specific text frame|selected. You are still|in the frame section][ OK ]"
#33 311 "[1][By selecting a text frame|you changed to the|text section.][ OK ]"
#34 011 "[1][Printing paused!][ OK ]"
#35 011 "[1][Printing finished!][ OK ]"
#36 011 "[1][Not enough memory|for the printer driver.][ OK ]"
#37 011 "[1][Internal printer driver error!|Printer driver dismissed.][ OK ]"
#38 011 "[1][Printer not responding!][ OK ]"
#39 011 "[1][Printer offline!][ OK ]"
#40 011 "[1][Out of paper!][ OK ]"
#41 000 "[3][Cancel printing?][ NO | CANCEL ]"
#42 011 "[1][Please enter existing|page number!][ OK ]"
#43 011 "[1][Page number too high!][ OK ]"
#44 011 "[1][Calamus can only|handle 9999 pages!][ OK ]"
#45 011 "[1][Flip side only possible|on locked pages|or on first page!][ OK ]"
#46 011 "[1][This function does not work|on single pages.][ OK ]"
#47 121 "[2][By deselecting the keys|the page will be flipped.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#48 011 "[1][At least one font|is required in memory.][ OK ]"
#49 011 "[3][Please select|replacement font.][ OK ]"
#50 011 "[1][File is not a|CALAMUS font!][ OK ]"
#51 011 "[1][This is not a CALAMUS|vector graphic file][ OK ]"
#52 011 "[1][Vector graphic from new|CALAMUS! Not compatible!][ SORRY ]"
#53 011 "[1][The selected bit image|frame is empty!][ OK ]"
#54 011 "[1][Please select a clipboard.][ OK ]"
#55 111 "[2][The frame on the clipboard|will be deleted.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#56 011 "[1][The selected clipboard|is empty.][ OK ]"
#57 111 "[2][More than one frame|is selected. They will|all be deleted.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#58 001 "[1][Fatal internal error !|~/~/~/~|What now ?][ PROCEED | EXIT ]"
#59 102 "[2][Some types of frames|are invisible. Which types|do you want to print ?][ALL|VISIBLE|CANCEL]"
#60 011 "[1][Disk format error.][ CANCEL ]"
#61 011 "[1][This file is not a|CALAMUS device driver.][ CANCEL ]"
#62 011 "[1][This file is not a|CALAMUS printer driver.][ CANCEL ]"
#63 011 "[1][Printer driver load error.][ CANCEL ]"
#64 011 "[1][Please select a text ruler.][ OK ]"
#65 111 "[1][You must not delete the|first text ruler of|a text frame !][ OK ]"
#66 011 "[1][Close editor: what about|the text ?][DELETE|TEXTBOX|CANCEL]"
#67 011 "[1][There is no printer|driver loaded in memory.][ OK ]"
#68 011 "[1][Font load error.][ CANCEL ]"
#69 211 "[1][This group contains|only one frame.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#70 011 "[1][Please select at least|one frame.][ OK ]"
#71 011 "[1][Please select a group frame.][ OK ]"
#72 211 "[1][There are no frames in|that area on the page.][ OK ]"
#73 011 "[1][Move the group before|you ungroup it. Otherwise,|some frames will be|outside the page.][ OK ]"
#74 011 "[1][A frame cannot be|placed outside the page.][ OK ]"
#75 011 "[1][Scanner timeout !][ CANCEL ]"
#76 011 "[1][This is not a CALAMUS|raster graphic file.][ CANCEL ]"
#77 101 "[3][Some frames will have to|be moved because the|page size changed.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#78 011 "[1][Scan error: switch|not in proper position.][ CANCEL ]"
#79 211 "[1][This function only|works when CALAMUS|runs on the standard|screen.][ OK ]"
#80 011 "[2][Continue printing ?][ YES | NO ]"
#81 121 "[3][Closing or deleting a document|will erase the text in|the editor.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#82 011 "[1][No font is loaded !][ OK ]"
#83 121 "[3][Closing or deleting a document|will erase the clipboards.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#84 011 "[1][The selected vector|graphic frame is empty !][ OK ]"
#85 011 "[1][The optimum size of|this vector graphic|was not stored in|the file.][ OK ]"
#86 011 "[1][You can only have one|header/footer frame on|a page.][ OK ]"
#87 101 "[1][Changing the page format|will probably move some|header/footer frames.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#88 101 "[1][Flipping a page will change|some header/footer frames.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#89 011 "[1][You cannot edit the page|while you are in double|page display.][ OK ]"
#90 011 "[1][Internal error in printer|driver. The driver has|sent a non-existing|error number.][ CANCEL ]"
#91 021 "[3][Abandon document ?][ YES | NO ]"
#92 121 "[1][The frames on these pages|will be overwritten by|the layout.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#93 121 "[1][This operation will cause|some header/footer frames|to move.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#94 101 "[1][Note: This operation|will change the|document structure.][ OK | CANCEL ]"
#95 011 "[1][You can't copy a block|of pages into themselves!][ OK ]"
#96 011 "[1][This file is not a|Calamus layout.][ OK ]"
#97 011 "[1][This layout has a |unsupported version number.][ OK ]"
#98 011 "[1][This file does not contain | Calamus pages.][ OK ]"
#99 011 "[1][This page file has an|unsupported version|number.][ OK ]"
#100 011 "[1][The page format from|the data in the file|is different from the|format of the document|in memory.][ CANCEL ]"
#101 001 "[2][No text position marked|for inserting the text|ruler. Erase the clipboard ?][ YES | NO ]"
#102 011 "[1][Please mark a text block|or a text ruler.][ OK ]"
#103 011 "[1][Please select a macro|with contents.][ OK ]"
#104 011 "[1][This key is already|used by another macro.][ OK ]"
#105 011 "[1][You forgot to define|a key for the macro!][ OK ]"
#106 011 "[1][You forgot to define|a name for the macro!][ OK ]"
#107 011 "[1][You may only define|alphabetical keys (A-Z)|for a macro.][ OK ]"
#108 011 "[1][Please select at least|one of the options|'text ruler', 'style' and |'text'.][ OK ]"
#109 111 "[1][No text block selected.|Use the whole frame ?][ YES | NO ]"
#110 011 "[1][This file is not a|Calamus macro list.][ CANCEL ]"
#111 011 "[1][This file has an|unsupported version number.][ CANCEL ]"
#112 011 "[3][One of the disk drives|is still selected. Please|deselect it by inserting|a disk.][ OK ]"
#113 111 "[2][Erase the clipboard|or the text block ?][CLIP|TEXT|CANCEL]"
#114 011 "[1][Please select a clipboard,| a text ruler|or a text block.][ OK ]"
#115 011 "[1][Please mark a text block,|a text ruler or set|the cursor.][ OK ]"
#116 011 "[1][Too many tabs!|The maximum number|of tabs is 160.][ OK ]"
#117 011 "[1][Please mark a text block,|or set the cursor.][ OK ]"
#118 011 "[1][This frame is already|a part of a pipeline.][ OK ]"
#119 211 "[1][You may not group|fixed frames.][ OK ]"
#120 111 "[1][The selected frame|is protected.][ OK ]"
#121 011 "[1][Error during data|transmission.][ CANCEL ]"
#122 011 "[1][This frame is not|part of a pipeline.][ OK ]"
#123 011 "[1][You cannot pipe text|in a 'circle' !][ OK ]"
#124 211 "[1][This function is only|implemented in the text|editor.][ OK ]"
#125 011 "[1][You may only group|the whole pipeline,|not parts of it.][ OK ]"
#127 011 "[1][You cannot pipe|virtual copies of|text frames.][ OK ]"
#128 011 "[1][This is not a|Calamus text file.][ OK ]"
#129 011 "[1][Export text in which|format ?][ CALAMUS | ASCII ]"
#130 011 "[1][This text file has an|unsupported version|number.][ CANCEL ]"
#131 022 "[1][Import vector graphics|in which format ?][ CALAMUS | METAFILE ]"
#132 011 "[1][This raster graphic|has an unsupported|version number.][ CANCEL ]"
#133 011 "[1][This is not a Calamus|raster graphic.][ CANCEL ]"
#134 011 "[1][The search string|cannot be empty.][ OK ]"
#135 011 "[1][An internal editor has|occured. The text structure|is corrupted.][ OH! ]"
#136 011 "[1][The search string|could not be found|in the text.][ OK ]"
#137 011 "[1][The search style|could not be found|in the text.][ OK ]"
#138 011 "[1][You may not change the|type of a text frame|when it is piped.][ OK ]"
#139 011 "[1][You may not edit|footnote frames.][ OK ]"
#140 011 "[1][You may not edit|index frames.][ OK ]"
#141 011 "[1][This operation is|only allowed with|normal text frames.][ OK ]"
#142 011 "[1][You may not pipe|text frames with|different types.][ OK ]"
#143 011 "[1][Please mark a text block.][ OK ]"
#144 011 "[1][There is no index frame.][ OK ]"
#145 011 "[1][There is no footnote|frame chained to this|text.][ OK ]"
#146 011 "[1][The number is too big !][ OK ]"
#147 011 "[1][Erase the text ?][ YES | NO ]"
#148 011 "[2][Copy or move text|to index ?][ COPY | MOVE ]"
#149 011 "[1][This text is already|chained to a footnote|frame. Remove this chain ?][ YES | NO ]"
#150 011 "[2][Cut pipeline or erase|chain to footnote frame ?][ PIPE | FNOTE ]"
#151 011 "[1][You may not cut a|picture when it's size|is fixed.][ OK ]"
#152 011 "[1][This font cannot be|loaded because it is|not licensed for this|version of Calamus !][ CANCEL ]"
#153 011 "[1][Wrong file format!][ CANCEL ]"
#154 001 "[1][Multiple choices for hyphens! | Start querry to assist ?][ YES | NO ]"
#155 001 "[1][Hypenating is not updated! | Continue querry to assist ?][ YES | NO ]"
#156 011 "[1][The pages you want to|save contain pipe |lines which will be broken.][ CANCEL ]"
#157 001 "[3][CALAMUS works only with|TOS in ROM.][ QUIT ]"
#158 001 "[3][CALAMUS doesn't work on|this TOS version.][ QUIT ]"
#159 001 "[3][Fatal error: can't load|file CALAMUS.CEF.][ QUIT ]"
#160 001 "[1][WARNING: the file CALAMUS.PRG|is not it's original size.|CALAMUS is probably infected|by a virus !!][ PROCEED | QUIT ]"
#161 001 "[1][Please set the text cursor.][ OK ]"
#162 111 "[1][The footnote frame had|to be unlinked from|it's text pipeline because|you changed it's type.][ OK ]"
#163 011 "[1][Wrong word structure !][ OK ]"
#164 011 "[1][Illegal character in word.|No special characters are|allowed except '-' and '+'.][ OK ]"
#165 011 "[1][Wrong word length !][ OK ]"
#166 011 "[1][You can't delete|combined words.][ OK ]"
#167 011 "[1][Word not found in|dictionary.][ OK ]"
#168 011 "[1][Internal error in|dictionary !][ OK ]"
#169 011 "[1][Erase dictionary ?][ NO | YES ]"
#170 011 "[1][Internal error in|text editor !][ ABORT ]"
#171 001 "[1][You can't save documents|with the demo version.][ CANCEL ]"
#172 011 "[1][This operation will|abandon the current|text. Proceed ?][ YES | CANCEL ]"
#173 211 "[1][This is the frame|clipboard !][ PROCEED | CANCEL ]"
#174 011 "[1][Please insert next sheet.][ OK | ABORT ]"
#175 001 "[1][WARNING: the file header|of CALAMUS.PRG was modified!|CALAMUS is probably infected|by a virus !!][ PROCEED | QUIT ]"